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Professional and Regulatory Assistance, Business Management and Employee Training

Regulatory Structures

KYC Standards

Knowing your Client is the first major step towards establishing a healthy relationship with your counterparty.

AML Screening

Using the right tools to screen your customers is vital to ensuring authenticity and peace of mind


Filing regulatory information reports with your regulator in a timely manner is vital to ensuring business propriety.

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment begins with you. Ensure business continuity with proper risk oversight, and be well prepared.

Operational Manuals

Having updated set of documentation and manuals ensures prompt availability of vital information.

Sanctions Lists

Keep up with the regulators by subscribing to sanctions lists released by the Ministry of Interior.

Case Study for a typical FI

Financial firms, as well as many non-financial institutions, are subject to similar compliance and AML regulations.

Setting up a regulated firm can be a daunting task. Often regulators take months to vet approve applicant firms. There are many who do not make the cut. The reasons for refusal are varied, but the most common reason why applicants get rejected is because they go in unprepared. Knowing what the regulator is looking for is important. The regulator is going to be with you throughout your firm’s operational career, so it is important to know what they want, and ensure that their view of your firm’s operation doesn’t get tainted.
It is important to be on top of your game, and even more important to be transparent ,straightforward and upright with your regulator and reporting authorities.

What clients say

Our customer data was all over the place. Many vital requirements were missing. Our Regulators were sending us notice after notice.
Blue Arrow created a customized KYC solution for us, which ensured more than adequate compliance with regulatory requirements, eliminating a major headache.


Recognizing our counterparties, and conducting background checks was a tedious task, and we were always wondering whether we were gathering enough information, and whether our counterparties were legitimate.
BAMC set up a seamless screening process, which covered entities, as well as individuals. This has given us peace of mind.


Blue Arrow Management Consultants played a vital role in assisting us in the process of gaining a regulatory license. The process was very daunting, and the list of requirements was seemingly endless. But with BAMC’s help, it became easier and they shared the workload and reduced our stress.
Highly recommended!



Do you find it a challenge to deal with compliance regulations? Get a free consultation by our experts